Friday, January 28, 2011

Profile: Elisabeth Greenwood

I am not a runner, but I love to walk and participate in an active lifestyle. Up until I moved to Florida I kept busy hiking, camping, kayaking, biking and just plain getting around the city and climbing the stairs to my fourth-floor walkup (I didn't have a driver's license until after I moved south!). Unfortunately, not long after moving to Florida I began to experience serious issues with my immune system. My activity levels dropped off, and the pounds piled on while I struggled with diagnosis and treatment. Things improved briefly, and I became involved in 5ks (mostly walking) through Kitzzy and even got my husband involved. It was an exciting accomplishment, but unfortunately additional complications arose when I developed Rheumatoid Arthritis, which has severely limited my ability to participate in most exercises or strenuous activities.

Now I am slowly improving, have excellent doctors, and have just completed four months of physical therapy which has paved the way for me to become active again. We recently bought (and assembled ourselves!) an elliptical machine and I am slowly building up my stamina again. I look forward to walking in this 5k and training with my friends and co-workers. I am learning to manage my health and exercise better despite my immune and chronic pain conditions, and I'm determined to not let it stop me from doing the things I enjoy.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Corporate 5K 2011 Kick Off

It's that time of the year again to begin planning for the Corporate 5K. Beth will be my co-captain this year, and we are excited to begin recruiting and training for this awesome event. Last year we had 31 participants, and we had a great time. Can we make it 40 this year? Yes, we can!

Last night was the Captain Kick Off at Mojo Cajun Bar and Grill and we had a blast (see the photo evidence to the right). They had a raffle and I won a golf bag. Since I do not play golf, I'll be giving it away to one of you along with some other Corporate 5K swag (like coffee mugs). Register and join our team by February 11th for your chance to win.

If you want to train with us, we'll be meeting on Mondays and Wednesdays in the P2 parking lot at 5 p.m.  starting next week, January 31st. Walkers and runners of all levels are welcomed.

Let's do this!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Corporate 5K Quickie Race Report

I need to write a proper race report for this year's Corporate 5K, but I still have not gotten around to it 2 weeks later. So I figured I might as well post this mini race report in the meantime.
  1. According to Track Shack, the race had 617 teams and 12,633 runners/walkers!
  2. Team Stats:
    • 34 registered participants; 31 completed the race (we had 9 last year + 1 cheerleader)
    • 12 completed their first 5K!
    • 7 returned from last year, and our cheerleader Sammy did the race this year
    1. One of our runners, Bob Reed sang the national anthem at the race with his quartet Makeshift. View the video on YouTube.
    2. Per my garmin, I ran 3.13 in 34:37 (11:03 min/mile pace). My clock time was 43:20 as it took almost 9 minutes to cross the start line. Read my mini race report on dailymile.
    3. Below is a group photo of most of the team before the race. You can see more photos on Flickr, and I'll be adding more to that album soon.
    not pictured: Alison, Beth, Bob, Danny, Don, Manny, Matt, Patricia, Regina, Shannon

    Monday, April 19, 2010

    Well, I stayed too late at the office (everyone say "aaaaaah") and arrived at Kitzzy's place too late to find parking! Not being familiar with the neighborhood I joined the magnificant motor parade of other drivers also looking for an empty spot and finally decided to bite the bullet and pay for a parking garage. Needless to say, in a crowd of 12,500+, I never reconnected with the team .....

    The good thing about not walking while also talking is that you can set your own pace. A key objective for my participation in the 5K was to see how the nerves and muscles in my legs and arms would hold up to a steady pace for 3 miles on a paved surface.

    With double compression stockings on my left leg, the body did fine.
    I crossed the finish line at 1hour 2 minutes - Kitzzy thinks that my actual time was less by about 10 minutes because of the lag time in walkers getting to the Start line.

    I regret having to miss the pizza party afterward - final projects are due in both of my doctoral courses this week - but enjoyed seeing all the pix. I'm sure that somewhere in all of the thousands of photos taken, there's one of me crossing the Finish line ......


    Saturday, April 17, 2010


    12000+ runners. I've always started a race near the back close to the walkers. This time I was at the starting line for the National Anthem, so I joined some team members behind the barricades to try and get into the race. Mike Durso and I spotted David and Austen near the front, so we busted into the large queue and surged across the starting line at only 1:55 after the starting blast.

    Its a different race that close to the front - not nearly as congested as the back half, and I was passed more often than passing. Mike and I quickly lost the other guys, but we finished together at about 36:36.

    Friday, April 16, 2010

    Get Active in Your Community (and don't pass out)

    Below is my review of the race/push to get others to try it out. Thanks guys for the support and fun!

    So tonight I ran my first 5k! I never thought it would be my bag and I still don't think it is but I'm glad I did it and I may do it again. So I guess it's my minibag, a satchel per say.

    Some Background:

    So you guys know I'm getting married in 6 months. Haven't been so successful in losing the "new job 20". Kitzzy & Jason my awesome coworkers at Online@UCF/CDL/UCF (where I work) decided to put together a group for the Orlando Corporate 5k, the biggest sporting event in Orlando with 12k people! Really its a stroke of genius because coworkers feel the pressure to bond/participate, its short enough to walk, office workers always need exercise and this is a gateway activity. So CDL set up a team and a blog and though my knee and extra bone in my foot makes it hard to run I felt this was a perfect opportunity to jump start my routine.

    Didn't work that well. But I tried. Allergies/sickness and lethargy kept me to only training 2-3 weeks for it. But the beauty is, with a 5k you can always walk!

    Why I'd Do It Again

    Not sure I'd TRAIN heavily for a 5k again (due to knee/footness I'm sticking to biking) but I'd do one again. Especially if I move to a new city. Because:

    • You get to see the city. Roads blocked off, bands playing (mariachi!), running in mass, its a pretty awesome sight.

    • You get to meet people. Like 12k of them... all in mass. Running. Humanity running, often in funny outfits.

    • Entertaining t-shirts: Everything on them from godzilla killing a city to threats of being superior to commands to "eat your dust" to ascertains of their physical prowess over you. Okay, really there are just a lot of threatening t-shirts. In fact, I think our team was one of the few positive ones, with affirmations blaring on the back.

    • Feel accomplished: Run as much as possible, walk, then jog, do whatever. No matter what by the end you feel pretty good!

    • Community outreach: Not only can you reach over and touch your brother but many of these events are charities. And charity is good, as well as, brotherly love.

    • Pack Mentality... I mean Spirit! It's just a good bonding experience where people are taken out of their element and must rely on each other for support. Not that I talked much, what with concentrating on breathing, but it was nice to have them there (nicer than I expected as I liked training in quiet). I'm not sure I'd want to do it without seeing the happy affirmations on the backs of my team member's shirts... as I pass them... like Godzilla. ;p At least, you'll know who you can outrun in the office, for when the zombies attack.

    So I guess what I'm saying is, not sure I'd do more then a 5k but its a fun occasional community activity that should not be intimidating!

    How'd I do?

    Why thanks for asking. Did it in 36-37 minutes (not good at this number thing). I jogged/ran the whole way except for one minute. Pretty proud I must say. Austin pushed over some grandmas to make his time of 25.5 minutes. You see it is a race to him.

    Possible pictures to possibly come.

    run sheila run - S

    Originally posted on

    Tuesday, April 13, 2010

    Final Corporate 5K Training Session

    Last Corporate 5k Training Run

    Today was our last training run before the Corporate 5k on Thursday. Our group has come a long way in just 2 short months, when running for 1 minute seemed like an eternity for most. Today those who've been following the Couch to 5k program ran 5 km in 41 minutes with only 2 minutes of walking. I'm so proud of what they've accomplished, and I can't wait to share their first 5k race with them.

    This is only a fraction of our Corporate 5k team. We recruited 34 coworkers, friends, and family who will be running and walking this race. I live 1/4 mile from the start, so we'll meet at my place for a pre-race group photo, walk to the start together, and have a post-race potluck at our apartment where we'll share race stories and watch the slideshow of all the photos and videos we've taken during training and the race. I can't wait!

    Monday, April 12, 2010

    Corporate 5k Race Day Logistics

    Race week is finally here! Is everyone ready for Thursday? Please read this email carefully for details about race day (such as meeting time, meeting location, and parking), and let me know if you have any questions.

    Last Training Session
    Our last training run/walk is tomorrow, Tuesday 4/13. Even if you've never come out before, join us tomorrow in the P2 parking lot at 5:20 p.m. for a group run/walk to get to know the rest of the team.

    Meeting Time/Location
    Due to traffic congestion and road closures, they recommend you arrive downtown at least 1 hour early. The race starts at 7:15 p.m., so plan to be there around 6-6:15 p.m. We'll meet at my apartment (417 E Livingston St) to get ready, drop off food, and take a group photo, then walk to the start line together 1/4 mile away.

    There is free parking on nearby side streets or at a parking garage (fees may apply) 2 blocks away on Livingston St. See parking map for more options. You are welcomed to arrive earlier and leave your stuff at our place during the race.

    Post Race Potluck
    Everyone who is 21+ years old gets one free beer after the race, and they'll have water and fruit at the finish line. We'll then meet back at my apartment for a post-race potluck and to watch the slide show of all the photos and videos we've taken before, during, and after the race. If you plan to join us for the post race party, please bring a snack to share. Jason and I will provide some beer, frozen pizza, and fruit.

    This race is not chip timed, so you'll need to look at the clock when you cross the finish line and remember that number. Look for Jason or Kitzzy after you finish to record your time.

    Course Map
    Water stations will be located at the start, in two places along the course and at the finish. Split times will be given at miles 1, 2 and 3. See course map for details.

    Rockin' Course Entetainment

    Mile 1.4: DJ Hollywood
    Mile 1.8: Willtown Band
    Mile 2.1: Group Therapy
    Mile 2.6: Mariachi Band

    Bob Reed and his quartet will be singing the National Anthem at the start of the race!

    Canned Food Drive
    We encourage you to bring canned or non perishable food items for the canned food drive. There will be 2 drop off locations: 1) Christian Service Center truck on Rosalind Ave (Red Tent Zone); 2) Info/Scoring Tent off Eola Drive (Green Tent Zone). Look for black/white checkered feather banners. Food items in high demand include: baby food, powered milk, canned vegetables and fruits, canned tuna, soups, pastas, pasta sauces, instant potatoes, rice, breakfast cereals, cake mixes, bisquick, peanut butter, jellies, and beverages such as fruit juices.

    Event Site Map

    Let me know if you have any questions and we'll see you on Thursday!

    Wednesday, April 7, 2010

    Corporate 5K Food Drive & Beneficiaries

    In addition to your race fee benefiting the Track Shack Foundation and Parramore Kidz Zone, you can contribute to the Christian Service Center canned food drive on race day. Below is a note and more details from their Executive Director.
    Come prepared to race AND feed your neighbors in need.
    The Christian Service Center invites your team to join our team by helping us to reach our goal of collecting 12,300 (one can per person) cans during this year’s Corporate 5K!
    We would like to challenge all teams and participants to collect canned or nonperishable food items, which can be dropped off during the race in either of two drop off locations at Lake Eola. The first donation site will be set up on Rosalind Avenue near the Amphitheatre and the second site will be located on Eola Drive, near Panera.
    The Christian Service Center is honored to be the recipient of such collective support from our community for the fourth year in a row. 100% of donated items will go directly to families in our community who are struggling to put food on the table. Not only will your donation satisfy someone’s belly, but your kindness and generosity will encourage their heart.
    Food items in high demand include: baby food, powered milk, canned vegetables and fruits, canned tuna, soups, pastas, pasta sauces, instant potatoes, rice, breakfast cereals, cake mixes, bisquick, peanut butter, jellies, and beverages such as fruit juices.
    On behalf of the Christian Service Center and the families we serve, I look forward to joining you for the race on April 15th and personally invite you to check out our website to learn more.
    Robert F. Stuart
    Executive Director

    Sunday, April 4, 2010

    Vote for our t-shirt design

    Victor designed us an awesome Corporate 5K shirt (see design below) and now we need your help to win the best shirt design contest. Visit the Corporate 5K Blog and vote for "UCF CDL" in the poll to the right. Everyone can vote, even if you are not participating, so spread the word!